Trails provide access for Petit Crest Villas to the Playfield and Wolfscratch Village (and beyond to Swim Club, Wellness Center and Nature Valley Park. Parking available at both ends of the Playfield.
Children’s playground
Grassy playfield
Running/walking track
Village Trail that connects Petit Crest Villas to Wolfscratch Village
Playfield Trail that connects Petit Crest to the Playfield
Black Bear Project sculptures
Village Trail
0.25 mile easy, teal blazing. Crosses Petit Creek and goes thru beautiful sections of mountain laurels and rhododendrons. Starts across the road from the back side of Petit Crest Villas and takes you either to the Playfield Trail or the Disharoon Village, and from there to the Postal Facility, Chapel, Swim Club, Wellness Center, the Chimneys, Realty and Firestation #3. Beyond there is the Nature Valley Park.
Playfield Trail
Starts off of the Village Trail and takes you to the Playfield, on an easy, short 0.15 mile path along the creek and then across it. Has yellow blazing.
Running track around the playfield
Bridge on the running trail near the children’s playground
Playfield Picture Gallery